Red Alert by Marshal Karp

Red Alert

Red Alert Book Summary

Red Alert is the suspense, mystery, redemption, literature, fiction, thriller and adventure novel that covers the story of two agents who is on the mission to save New York City. James Patterson and Marshall Karp are the guys behind this stunning novel. They are the bestselling authors in the New York Times with millions of sales to their copies. Detective Zach Jordan and Kylie MacDonald are the fascinating cast of the novel. The rich community of New York City is gathering at Pierre’s Cotillion Room. They all are here to raise the money for poor people. All of them are rich and have bog fortunes. Suddenly everything when down into screams and blood after a fatal blast in the room. This blast reminds the horror of 9/11 and this was clearly an act of terrorism. The elite class of NYC is not safe anymore. There are big names in the meeting who was in the room like filmmakers, businessmen, politics, and sportsmen. A female movie maker is just going to die while rescuing. Zach and Kylie are the detectives of NYPD. They are also the most elite force of the city and now it’s their job to find the suspect before they make any other move.

Red Alert by Marshal Karp Download

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