Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners by Joshua Eckroth

Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners

Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners Book Summary

Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners is the machine theory, natural language, semantics, and AI book for the python developers. Joshua Eckroth is the author of this remarkable book. It is time to build smart applications by implementing AI in the real world. This book brings an opportunity for python developers who want to initiate their career in artificial intelligence. It takes the reader step by step into the AI with easy to follow strategies. Joshua will teach you how to build your own prediction models and become on the top of your code. How to do prediction with random forests. What do you mean by random forests? Learn about deep learning and neural networks. How to use decision trees to generate maximum productivity. Discover the best way to identify handwritten and mathematical symbols by using neural networks. How to identify positive and negative sentiment. Analyze the performance of students and perform many other functionalities just in few clicks. AI is an advanced technology in the market that offers sectors, businesses, and industries. Learn how to create and use algorithms for advancement.

Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners by Joshua Eckroth Download

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