Even the Darkest Stars Series Book Summary
Even the Darkest Stars Series is the thriller, fantasy, science fiction and mystery series which is composed of two books. Heather Fawcett is the author of this classy series. The “Even the Darkest Stars”, Kamzin is a young girl and she has a dream to become the royal explorer and represents her state. There are rumours that enemies are spying from the top of the mountain. The State is looking for a person who can climb these deadly mountains. She knows there is no option for them if they choose them and all she needs to prove herself is a chance. The most experience explorer is the empire is River Shara and he chooses Kamzin as his assistant. She can’t believe her luck that he chooses her instead of her older sister Lusha. Finally, she gets the chance to prove herself and Raksha Mountain is waiting for her to climb it. The mission is not as simple as it seems and she does not know what is going in the mind of River. The “All the wandering Light”, after the horrific experience in Raksha Mountain, Kamzin become the more brave and passionate girl. River betrayed her and he wanted to take over the throne. There is only one thing which can help her to stop River. A star is fallen on the top of the mountain and it got the great powers inside. These powers help her to control River and save their country from destruction. The river also searching for this fallen star and they come across on the mountain.
Even the Darkest Stars Series by Heather Fawcett Download
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