Books by Tim Sample


Four Past Midnight

“Four Past Midnight” is amazing novel in which author tells us the story of few legends who on the first night took a red-eye flight to sky and unfortunately only 11 of them survived but they too were repenting on what they have done. The book is written by Stephen King, James Woods, and Tim Sample. These are the bestselling authors of fantasy and fiction. In this book author tells us about the experiences of a few chillers of a red flight to the sky. In this book author tells us that at start they wanted to do so but then after reaching the empty earth they were shocked because they were not expecting this. In the second past night, they met a few people, and John Shooter was one of them. Here the author creates suspense and thrill in the story by his amazing writing skills. In the third and fourth past midnight, a policeman and a black dog appeared in the scene and the legends were surprised to see them at that empty place. Summarizing, the book is thrilling, suspenseful, and interesting at the same time for readers.