Books by Stephen King


Gwendy’s Button Box

Gwendy’s Button Box by Stephen King is the suspense, fiction, thriller and mystery novel which describes the story of a self-made girl who gets the gift from an anonymous. Stephen King and Richard Chizmar are the authors of this stunning novel. Gwendy receives the gift from the mysterious person who is wearing a cool stuff. Someone told her, he is wearing black coat, black pent with white shirt and having a neat black hat as well on the top of his head. On the other side, Gwendy is the strong character who like the challenges and hurdles in her life. She come so far in her life by achieving success and never back down from life. Gwendy always struggles in her life in doing the good thing and she always wanted to do that. But the box she get as a gift from the person also filled with the problems and they may be out of her potential. The box is full of buttons, there are different kind of buttons and few some of them used for weird purposes in daily routine. How she handle the situation by locating to buttons, she is still a teenage girl and may not handle the situation. Now the charge of the box is in her hands, the life goes on and she getting advantages from it since his adulthood. What happened after there, you have to read this?


Duma Key

Duma Key by Stephen King is fiction, mystery and scary novel which describes the story of the man who is living his life at the edge due to brain injury. Stephen King is the author of this classy novel. A gentleman, who is badly suffering from brain injury. He is unable to do what is want and stuck to his bed. There is supreme rage along with blackout spells on his body. A therapist is continuously visiting him and he suggested to him to change the place for living. The changing of the environment could be helpful for him to get his health back. Later on, he decided to move to the town of Florida known as Duma Key. He found himself comfortable here and he discovers his artistic talent. This is the really surprising moment for him and he has never done this before in his life. The things are under control and he starts moving on in his life. His painting went viral in the world and everyone is willing to buy it. There are some of the mysterious facts in his painting that there is some kind of power. The power involves in the paintings cannot be controlled by anyone. There are ghosts which are beginning to appear from another character. Who was this character and why this was happening?



Joyland by Stephen King is a fiction, suspense and romantic novel in which a young boy come to North Caroline to work in the park as a carny. Stephen King is the author of this classic novel. Davin Jones recently graduated from the high school and searching for the job. He got the job from the Joyland Park which is located in North Caroline. Davin works here as a carny and pretty satisfied to work here in summer. He falls in love here with the girl, she is beautiful and cut. Joyland is the place where he loses his virginity and finds the love of his life. He is operating the mops up and rides. Devin is befriended with ten years old boy who is in very critical situation of his health. He may die soon and Devin wanted to do something for this boy. There happens a tragedy before the arrival of Devin, there is woman in the funhouse, she has been killed by some strange. The ghost of this woman is still wondering in the Joyland Park as she is looking for the revenge. This was the turning point of novel, when things started to get complicated and there is no way out without bloodshed and murder. What happened to dying boy and his mother?


Hearts in Atlantis

Hearts in Atlantis is the redemption, fiction, literature, werewolf and thriller novel which plots the story of a young boy. Stephen King is the author of this outstanding novel. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times and he writes more than fifty novels. Stephen won different prizes on his novels and he is the most popular author in the world. This novel consists of five parts, the “Low Men in Yellow Coats”, Bobby Garfield is just an eleven-year-old boy who discovers a terror world in his neighbourhood. He never tough to image a world predatory malice and this is something threatening. There are some people who are making a plan to do something big no matter they have to kill others. Bobby is studying in the college and he does not what to do after college. He is good in studies and does not know what to do in the future. Bobby has friends in the college and they follow him whatever he asks them to do. Most of the time they spend their time in the playing cards but now Bobby discovers something to use his abilities along with his friends. Who were the neighbours of Bobby and what they are trying to do that is threatening for the peace of the country?


Different Seasons

Different Seasons by Stephen King is a mystery, fiction and suspense novel which contains the taste of four different stories to make it together. Stephen King is the author of this novel. He has written more than fifty novels and he is the bestseller in the New York Times. The reader will experience the collection of four novels along with the inspiration of two films, The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me. All the characters are there, who are different in their tones and acting. The story begins with the Shawshank Redemption and the Rita Hayworth, there is the clash happen when an imprisoned revolt against the injustice which is happening to himself. He can harm anyone who dares to stand in his way. On the forward there comes Apt Pupil, where the school student name Todd Bowden who is befriended by the old man in the village who has criminal past. Then comes The Body, in which four boys come across each other for seeing their mortality having face to face with death. After this a disrespectful woman who has the strong belief to victory over the death. While moving forward there is instant communication among the characters and this makes is supernatural from the rest of the authors. This is surely a masterpiece for the readers.


The Dead Zone

The Dead Zone by Stephen King is mystery, thriller, tragedy and fiction novel which describes the story of Johnny Smith who is in the coma for five years. Stephen King is the author of this great novel. Johnny Smith is an average standard man, who has a new member in the family of his fiancée. All the things are going well but the tragedy happens to him. Johnny badly injured in this accident and did not able to open his eyes for five years. In five years of his coma, his fiancée married another man. Now, he woke up after five years from the coma and he gets back to stand with his new talent. He discovers when he touches someone he can read their futures. For other peoples, this accident is a sign of luck for him but after knowing of his fiancée he feels cursed this accident. According to him, he loses her due to an accident and he does not have any interest in the prediction of people futures. One day, Johnny shakes hand with the politician whose vision is disturbing for the people. He has to decide to do something to stop him either let him do whatever he wants. Later on, Johnny takes the decision to stand against him and this gives his life a mission and a purpose to live after his girl.


It Novel

“It Novel by Stephen King” is one of the best novels of all times. This novel is about seven adults who return to their hometown to confront a nightmare they had first stumbled on as teenagers. The author used all the characters very well and creates suspense in a great way. It contains excellent combinations of friendship, fear, love, care and struggles. They were seven teenagers when they first stumbled upon the horror. Now they are grown-up men and women who have gone out into the big world to gain success and happiness. But the promise they made twenty-eight years ago calls them to reunite in the same place where, as teenagers, they battled an evil creature that preyed on the city’s children. Now, children are being murdered again and their repressed memories of that terrifying summer return as they prepare to once again battle the monster lurking in Derry’s sewers. In summary, this novel is written in such an amazing way that you can’t put it down until you finish the reading.


11/22/63: A Novel

Download 11/22/63: A Novel by Stephen King is science fiction, mystery and thriller novel which describes the effort of Jake Epping who is making his effort to stop the assassination. Stephen King is the author of this classic novel. He is the author of fifty novels and the bestseller all around the world. This novel is about the time travel in which Jake is assigned a mission to stop the crime. The plan was all set to murder the 11/22/63: A Novel by Stephen King Fitzgerald Kennedy and for stopping it, Jake got the support of time traveler machine. The mission seems to look easy as you just go to past and make some arrangements. But when comes to reality, all the past is against you and there is no one through which you can get the help. He also has the adventure and visits the new cities in their past perspectives which includes Texas, Maine, and Florida. The Jake also fall in love which may distract him from the mission he appointed. There are various interesting characters which are there along with unique abilities and observation power. This novel is best than any TV show ever, it includes the realistic graph and action stories. Did he made successful in his mission or struck out there his whole life? You can also Download Finders Keepers by Stephen King PDF Free.


The Stand

“The Stand” is one of the best terror novels. Stephen King is the author of this novel. It story starts with the virus escaping from a lab and a lone soldier with his family attempts to escape certain death but ends up bringing death with him. The virus, called “Captain Tripps” takes out 99% of the population and the remaining survivors have to decide if they will band together for good or for evil, good being personified by Mother Abigail who with others migrate to Boulder, Colorado, and evil personified by Randall Flagg setting up shop in Las Vegas. The overall theme is Biblically related and he sticks close to details in well known Biblical stories. It covers the story in the best way with full of fear and terror. It catches the reader’s attention with such powerful words “A patient escapes from a biological testing facility, unknowingly carrying a deadly weapon: a mutated strain of super-flu that will wipe out 99 percent of the world’s population within a few weeks. Those who remain are scared, bewildered, and in need of a leader. Two emerge—Mother Abagail, the benevolent 108-year-old woman who urges them to build a peaceful community in Boulder, Colorado; and Randall Flagg, the nefarious “Dark Man,” who delights in chaos and violence. As the dark man and the peaceful woman gather power, the survivors will have to choose between them—and ultimately decide the fate of all humanity.”