Books by Seanan McGuire


Wayward Children Series

Wayward Children Series is the fantasy, fiction, crime, mystery, suspense and thriller series which is based on four books. Seanan McGuire is the author of this incredible effort. The “Every Heart a Doorway”, there is a mysterious world and only a few of them knows the secrets. Children get into holes while playing and when they came back they are totally different. There are mostly girls who get their self into these holes. Nancy is also one of them who gets herself stuck into holes and she is different from other girls. Whenever a girl or boy came out from these holes, they are more mature and irrevocably changed then their actual ages. Eleanor West is also one of those girls who were once the visitor of mysterious worlds. She is now running a society of wayward children who have already visited the mysterious worlds. Eleanor helps these children to get back into reality through different practices and exercises. The “Down Among the Sticks and Bones”, Jack and Jill were twin sisters. When they came back from the mysterious world, they are seventeen-year-old. Jack is the favourite girl of her mother and Jill loved by her father most. Both girls are heading towards the home which is made for wayward children. The “Beneath the Sugar Sky”, Rini is the new arrival at the wayward house but her mother is ill. She needs her mother to recover fully so Eleanor is trying everything to save her mother. The “In an Absent Dream”, a girl finds a new place which is suitable for wayward children and people likes her idea of curing girls.



The “Middlegame” is a brilliantly constructed and deeply engaging novel. Seanan McGuire is the author of this novel. It is truly a fantastic journey that has excellent characters. Twins born with abilities beyond normal skills and talents. A connection that spans a continent and across the reaches of time. Roger and Dodger have a gift of language and mathematics, respectively. They were adopted and placed in families on either side of the United States (Palo Alto and Cambridge), and at a certain age, they found they were able to communicate with each other and see out of the other’s eyes. When Roger was reading Shakespeare at age 5 and Dodger was computing high-level calculus at 6, there are few friends to be found, but they always have each other, a “call” away. You may not be able to call it sibling rivalry exactly, yet there are times when the brother and sister do not get along and communication is broken and they have to develop on their own. Orchestrating this experiment is James Reed, a man who is descended from a distinct line of alchemy and wants to use the twins as a source of great power. He gives them reign to develop their abilities to maturity on their own and uses his henchwoman Leigh at various times to help them on the desired path. Reed and Leigh is a wicked pair and is more than ready to take out anyone who gets in their way to perfection. Several other pairs of twins are being created and tested to ensure the odds are always in the favour, but they keep going back to these two who may show the greatest potential. Roger and Dodger’s story starts at the origins of youth, the discovery of latent talents, and proceeds through childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. The first half of the book is that, a growing up, but the tale shifts and the second half really turns out to be an all-out battle. While the pacing does ebb and flow, it’s McGuire’s phenomenal writing that holds it all together. A spot-on metaphor or turn of phrase can be found on almost every page. The characters are experiences that can be seen walking down the street next to you. They are real and in your face, and stuck in an experiment with their lives, and maybe more, on the line, it’s excellent. Overall, Middlegame by Seanan McGuire, an incredible book.


Come Tumbling Down

“Come Tumbling Down” is a story of love, loss, heartbreak, and unbreakable bonds. This novel is written by Seanan McGuire. This is a gorgeous story about how life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to, but if we’re willing, we can still make it a great life. It is a good compelling story, engaging and easy to read. This is the perfect holiday novel, you can pick it up and get straight back into the story. The novel “Come Tumbling Down” is an enjoyable story which moves along at a good pace. It is not too quickly, but at a pace that keeps the reader engaged waiting to discover the outcome. It has a satisfactory ending which is a little predictable but ties up all the loose ends. Some of the male characters are a little too good to be true but that doesn’t spoil any part of the story. The author switches between the two time periods effortlessly and easily which doesn’t always happen in these kinds of books. Each storyline had a richness that was only strengthened by the comparison and contrast to the other. The book certainly brought all the feels, and elements of all characters.


A Killing Frost

“A Killing Frost” is a story of love, loss, heartbreak, and unbreakable bonds. This novel is written by Seanan McGuire. This is a gorgeous story about how life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to, but if we’re willing, we can still make it a great life. It is a good compelling story, engaging and, easy to read. This is the perfect holiday novel, you can pick it up and get straight back into the story. The novel “A Killing Frost” is an enjoyable story that moves along at a good pace. It is not too quickly, but at a pace that keeps the reader engaged waiting to discover the outcome. It has a satisfactory ending which is a little predictable but ties up all the loose ends. Some of the male characters are a little too good to be true but that doesn’t spoil any part of the story. The author switches between the two time periods effortlessly and easily which doesn’t always happen in these kinds of books.


Be the Serpent PDF

“Be the Serpent” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. You may also like Touch of Night The Raven Chronicles PDF Download The debts of the Broken Ride are coming due, and whether she incurred them or not, she’s going to be the one who has to pay.


Lost in the Moment and Found

“Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. You may also like Chain of Thorns by Cassandra Clare PDF Download Antoinette has lost her father. Metaphorically. He’s not in the Shop, and she’ll never see him again. But when Antsy finds herself lost (literally, this time), she discovers that however many doors open for her, leaving the Shop for good might not be as simple as it sounds.


The Innocent Sleep

“The Innocent Sleep by Seanan McGuire ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. You may also like The Man Who Didn’t Burn by Ian Moore PDF Download Alas for Tybalt and his domestic aspirations, fate—and Titania—had other ideas. His perfect world had been complete for only a moment when it was ripped away, to be replaced by hers. Titania, Faerie’s Summer Queen, Mother of Illusions and enemy of so many he holds dear, has seized control of the Kingdom, remaking it in her own image. An image which does not include meddlesome shapeshifters getting in her way. Tybalt quickly finds himself banished from her reality, along with the Undersea and the rest of the Court of Cats.


Rosemary and Rue

“Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. You may also like A Day of Reckoning by Matthew Harffy PDF Download Outsiders from birth, these half-human, half-fae children spend their lives fighting for the respect of their immortal relations. Or, in the case of October “Toby” Daye, rejecting it completely. After getting burned by both sides of her heritage, Toby has denied the fae world, retreating into a “normal” life. Unfortunately for her, Faerie has other ideas…


A Local Habitation

“A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. You may also like The Figurine by Victoria Hislop PDF Download Now Sylvester has asked her to go to the County of Tamed Lightning—otherwise known as Fremont, CA—to make sure that all is well with his niece, Countess January O’Leary, whom he has not been able to contact. It seems like a simple enough assignment—but when dealing with the realm of Faerie nothing is ever as simple as it seems.