Books by Ron Chernow


Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton is first-rate biographical that beautifully rendered portrait of Hamilton, both his public life and his private life. This biography is a superbly documented account of Alexander Hamilton’s life, work, and historical contributions. Ron Chernow is the author of this book. He is also the author of “The House of Morgan and The Warburgs. In this book, Ron covers the life of Alexander Hamilton in very attractive and engaging way. Anyone who wants to understand who Hamilton was should read this book. It is written in a lively, accessible style, filled with engaging stories and illustrative anecdotes related to Alexander. It covers Hamilton’s poor relationships with Jefferson and Adams. His affair was dealt with in painful detail. Beyond these limitations, Hamilton gives a good behind-the-scenes look at the early days of the founding of American government. Hamilton was well read and used his knowledge to set up commerce and financial systems we have greatly benefitted from. For these reasons, the book has much to offer. In short, it is the perfect read for the present political situation that we find ourselves in. You can also Download The Autobiography of Malcolm X PDF.



Grant is a book that can change your life forever. Ron Chernow is the author of this beautiful book. This book teaches us how to live, learn and improve in whatever environment we may find ourselves in. This little book will fit in your front pocket. The type is triple spaced you can read the whole thing in about 45 minutes. This book is divided into chapters that each focus on one specific virtue like Courage, Humility, Sacrifice, Integrity, Compassion, Perseverance, Duty, Hope, Humor, and Forgiveness. In each chapter, the author describes examples of these traits. There are many life lessons in this book that will help you to think and view the world from a new angle. The book is well organized and help the readers to make better decisions in life, business and relationship. The author’s advice has remained constant and applicable across the years for a reason. It’s simple and his techniques make perfect sense. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be kicking yourself when you see how you could have handled situations differently. I’m being transformed from a socially awkward, timid, and defensive person, to someone that seems collected and confident. If you’re having troubles in life and simply can’t figure out what you’re doing wrong, this is a fantastic place to start.



The celebrated Ron Chernow provides a richly nuanced portrait of the father of America. With a breadth and depth matched by no other one-volume life, he carries the reader through Washington's troubled boyhood, his precocious feats in the French and Indian Wars, his creation of Mount Vernon, his heroic exploits with the Continental Army, his presiding over the Constitutional Convention and his magnificent performance as America's first president.Despite the reverence his name inspires Washington remains a waxwork to many readers, worthy but dull, a laconic man of remarkable self-control. But in this groundbreaking work Chernow revises forever the uninspiring stereotype. He portrays Washington as a strapping, celebrated horseman, elegant dancer and tireless hunter, who guarded his emotional life with intriguing ferocity. Not only did Washington gather around himself the foremost figures of the age, including James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, he orchestrated their actions to help realise his vision for the new federal government, define the separation of powers, and establish the office of the presidency.Ron Chernow takes us on a page-turning journey through all the formative events of America's founding. This is a magisterial work from one of America's foremost writers and historians.


The House of Morgan

Published to critical acclaim twenty years ago, and now considered a classic, The House of Morgan is the most ambitious history ever written about American finance. It is a rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned, ones that would transform the modern financial world. Tracing the trajectory of J. P. Morgan’s empire from its obscure beginnings in Victorian London to the financial crisis of 1987, acclaimed author Ron Chernow paints a fascinating portrait of the family’s private saga and the rarefied world of the American and British elite in which they moved—a world that included Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, Franklin Roosevelt, Nancy Astor, and Winston Churchill. A masterpiece of financial history—it was awarded the 1990 National Book Award for Nonfiction and selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 Best Nonfiction Books of the Twentieth Century—The House of Morgan is a compelling account of a remarkable institution and the men who ran it, and an essential book for understanding the money and power behind the major historical events of the last 150 years.


Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. is best biography of history’s first billionaire and the patriarch of America’s most famous dynasty by Ron Chernow, published in 1998.,John D. Rockefeller’s story captures a pivotal moment in American history, documenting the dramatic post-Civil War shift from small business to the increase of giant corporations that irrevocably transformed the state. With cameos by Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, Jay Gould, William Vanderbilt, Ida Tarbell, Carnegie, Carl Jung, J. Pierpont Morgan, James, Clay Frick, Clemens, and can Rogers, Titan turns Rockefeller’s life into a vivid tapestry of yank society within the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. You can download from below and buy from amazon if you want.