Books by Richard Bachman


The Running Man

“The Running Man” is a story of love, loss, heartbreak, and unbreakable bonds. This novel is written by Richard Bachman .  This is a gorgeous story about how life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to, but if we’re willing, we can still make it a great life. It is a good compelling story, engaging, and easy to read. This is the perfect holiday novel, you can pick it up and get straight back into the story.


The Bachman Books

The Bachman Books by Stephen King is a mystery, fiction and a horrific novel which plots the story of a young girl studying in high school and including three other stunning stories. Richard Bachman and Stephen King is the author of this classic novel. There are four fantasy novels written by Richard Bachman which are brought to by on the behalf of Richard. In “Rage” A girl full of anger and danger enters the classroom, she is studying in high school. The girl killed her teacher and now have the whole class as her hostage. The other students got the fear of their classmate who kills their beloved teacher. They all worry about the behavior of their classmate but cannot do anything about this. Now comes to another novel ‘The Long Walk” which is plotted near the conservative America in which 100 teenagers take part in the 450-mile marathon race. Actually, this is a distance which they have to cover by walk and if anybody fails to accomplish it, will be the shootout in the head. After this, there comes “Roadwork” which is about the social conflict and the politics. The man vs. progress are the two main themes of the novel. All of them are full of mystery, thriller and reveals but the fourth is different. “The Running man” is about the life of the man who is lost in vision.


The Long Walk

The Long Walk by Stephen King is suspense, thriller, fantasy and action novel which plots the story of walkers who are running to make sure they are alive. Stephen King and Richard Bachman is the author of this remarkable novel. This was the story of the near future in America when this place becomes the police state. There is an annual contest in which one hundred young boys are selected for the race and only one will get the winning prize. The winning prize will be given to winner according to his wish. Winner’s wish will be maintained to the rest of his wife. Now come to the rules of the game, all the walkers have to maintain the speed of4 mph follows the path of the road and do not interact with another. There are three warnings for all of them who broke the rule and after that, he will be shoot right on track. In these walkers there is a sixteen-year-old boy Ray Garraty, he also listens to all the rules and read to win it. There are soldiers who are keeping their eyes like the shadows of the walkers. After the race start, there begins the series of stories some of them heartbreaking, emotional and full of motivation. They have enemies on the road in shape of injuries, weather, fatigue and their mind as well.