Books by Jonathan Haidt


The Happiness Hypothesis

The Happiness Hypothesis is the self-help, consciousness and psychology book which teaches the different life lessons to live a happier and peaceful life. Jonathan Haidt is the author of this impressive book. Every human being on the planet wanted to become successful and happiness but there are only a few people who achieve their goals. There are different techniques which are involved to seek the ultimate happiness in their lives. The author unfolds the various surprising insights which are responsible for the peace and prosperity in our life. Most of the people make their plans but in the end, they could not fallow their plans. Sometimes we lie with our self which results in low confidence and it also damages us internally. Jonathan Haidt rises the different question which gives us awareness about the truth of life. Why God has created us and why we are living in the earth? What are the things which give us happiness and prosperity? How to live a life and how to find the purpose of our life? The reader will find out meaningful and life-changing answers. It completely transforms the way of your thinking about happiness and success.


The Righteous Mind

“The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion” is a tremendously thought-provoking book, well-written and accessible to non-specialists. Jonathan Haidt is the author of this amazing book. Jonathan has provided a scholarly insight into our moral functioning. He provided great insight into the moral issues which enrage conservatives. He has also highlighted the misguided aspects of liberal values. Jonathan clearly describes what is missing in current human dialogue around the globe. Haidt is right on the money in his exploration of the foundations of why we vote politically and believe as we do. It compares and contrasts the inborn traits that drive us in our beliefs of the rightness of conservative and/or liberal values and why we need both to survive. A thoughtful discussion about politics, morality, values, and how we can disagree about issues in a constructive way. A very insightful, well-written book that one goes back to and re-reads gaining additional, rational ways to look at both sides of the moral and political world. In “The Righteous Mind” Jonathan distinguishes between brain functions that he calls “intuitive” and those he calls “logical,” advancing persuasively the proposition that our initial moral judgments are largely intuitive and we use logic initially and primarily to defend the views we adopt intuitively. He uses evidence from social science experiments to back these views and to advance consequent interpretations of the source of our attitudes towards not only morality but politics. If you are puzzled by how poorly economic self-interest predicts the vote, wonder how we acquire our moral principles, or how we might begin to overcome the lost ability of our elected representatives to compromise, Haidt has addressed these questions as a moral philosopher in the tradition of David Hume and a sociologist in the tradition of Emile Durkheim. But he is not an armchair theorist. Haidt’s positions are founded on sociological findings as well as empirical evolutionary biology of the sort that E.O. Wilson was rebuked for developing first in his comprehensive behavior treatise Sociobiology. Namely that all human science must recognize the inborn biases that our brains incline us toward. The tabula rasa of the post-WWII social sciences is being laid to rest. Humans are a dualistic combination of individual egos and group affiliation. We are both individualists and conformists, but the idea that we reason ourselves to morality is defunct. The reason is subordinated to the leading nature. Ultimate, “The Righteous Mind” is an informative, readable, fascinating. Easy to understand explanations of complex psychological findings based on an impressive amount of scientific research. A rewarding learning experience that is very thought-provoking.


The Coddling of the American Mind

The Coddling of the American Mind is the social sciences, institutional and psychology book which shares the tips to overcome the depression and anxiety from students. Greg Lukianoff is the author of this remarkable book. Something is wrong in our educational system which makes a majority of the student patients of anxiety, depression and short tempers. They did not how to control their thoughts and use willpower for living a positive life. The teachers and students did not have any personal affection anymore. Teachers only tell them the lesson of books and the students remain blank when it comes to their personal development. The technologies break the concept of discussion and everybody is busy updating their social media accounts. These students are the future of the country and if we did not lead them to the right track then it’s our mistake. The author is the first social psychologist how to raise the question of student’s awareness. He shares the three solutions which can transform the lives of our generation and make them a highly qualified professional. Always trust your feelings, you will become weaker without pain in life and life is a name of continue battle between good and bad people. The author shares various lessons and stories which are full of wisdom. He tries to build the emotional, social and intellectual development of an upcoming generation.


The Happiness Hypothesis PDF

The Happiness Hypothesis is the self-help, consciousness and psychology book which teaches the different life lessons to live a happier and peaceful life. Jonathan Haidt is the author of this impressive book. Every human being on the planet wanted to become successful and happiness but there are only a few people who achieve their goals. There are different techniques which are involved to seek the ultimate happiness in their lives. Click on the button given below to download PDF The Happiness Hypothesis eBook by Jonathan Haidt. You can also download Integral Psychology by Ken Wilber PD. You can also download Hardwiring Happiness by Rick Hanson PDF