Books by John Paul Mueller


Java eLearning Kit For Dummies

As a platform-independent, object-oriented programming language, Java helps developers write once and run anywhere. With this dynamic combination of a full-color printed book and a Dummies online interactive eLearning course, you’ll find a wealth of information on the latest release of Java. Featuring both written and animated step-by-step how-tos, practice labs, helpful videos, numerous examples, and a host of Dummies hints and tips, this package makes your learning process easier.


Professional IronPython

IronPython should be an important part of your developer’s toolbox and this book will quickly get you up and running with this powerful language. John Paul Mueller clearly shows how IronPython can help you create better desktop or web-based applications in less time and with fewer errors. Throughout the pages, you’ll find techniques for extending IronPython and making it a more robust language. In addition, you’ll follow advanced steps such as building an IronPython extension that directly accesses the Win32 API. And you’ll enhance your skill set as you introduce IronPython into other environments such as Linux and Mac OS X.


Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies

Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages, and no wonder. It requires three to five times less time than developing in Java, is a great building block for learning both procedural and object-oriented programming concepts, and is an ideal language for data analysis. Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies is the perfect guide to this dynamic and powerful programming language – even if you’ve never coded before! Author John Paul Mueller draws on his vast programming knowledge and experience to guide you step-by-step through the syntax and logic of programming with Python and provides several real-world programming examples to give you hands-on experience trying out what you’ve learned.


HTML5 Programming with JavaScript For Dummies

Modern websites are complex, and some of the most exciting features – things like geolocation, canvas, portability to mobile and more – require JavaScript to leverage what HTML5 can create. Don’t know JavaScript? That’s where HTML5 Programming with JavaScript For Dummies comes in. Rather than walking you through JavaScript as a programming language, it approaches JavaScript as a tool to help you enhance web pages.


Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework Step by Step

Expand your expertise – and teach yourself the fundamentals of the Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework 5. If you have previous programming experience but are new to the Entity Framework, this tutorial delivers the step-by-step guidance and coding exercises you need to master core topics and techniques.


Windows 8 For Dummies Quick Reference

This quick and easy reference is designed for all users (newbies and seasoned) who are comfortable with the Windows OS and need a fast reference to solve a problem or navigate a new feature without context or explanation. It will be the must-have reference for anyone using Windows 8.


Security for Web Developers

As a web developer, you may not want to spend time making your web app secure, but it definitely comes with the territory. This practical guide provides you with the latest information on how to thwart security threats at several levels, including new areas such as microservices. You’ll learn how to help protect your app no matter where it runs, from the latest smartphone to an older desktop, and everything in between.


LINQ For Dummies

If you’ve asked yourself “Why can’t I develop database and XML queries in a language I already know?,” then Language INtegrated Query, or LINQ, is for you. “LINQ For Dummies” introduces you to LINQ and the .NET Framework technologies, so you can use LINQ to query any object, any data set, any kind of XML, and SQL Server–no questions asked.