Dracul is the fiction, thriller, mystery and adventure novel which tells the story of two teenage siblings who are not ready to face such a critical situation. J.D Barker is the author of this exciting new novel. This book is the prequel to Dracula as an author inspired by its popularity decided to write another masterpiece of art. Bram Stoker spends his childhood with his parents and little siblings. He is living the perfect life with his family in Dublin home. The things are going well but suddenly the people in the town start dying terribly. No one knows who is behind these horrific deaths and everyone is scared. The police department is doing his investigation but they are failed to answer the public. There is a various thing common in all deaths, all people are hunted on the night and they are killed with bloodsucking. This case is leading to something more terrifying and people are not aware of it. Bram and his little sister see the bizarre changes in their caretaker woman. Her name was Ellen Crone and she looks completely lost. No one knows what is happened to her. Suddenly she vanished and no knows where she is. After years later when Matilda come back to the home she has something to tell his brother. Bram does not believe, she sees Ellen after so many years and she is alive. While sleeping at home, Bram notices someone is out there and she is not anyone else except Ellen.