Books by Eliyahu M. Goldratt


The Goal

“The Goal (Off-Campus Book 4)” is an inspiring and motivating book in which the author discusses the success story of a young girl and wanted to make us understand the importance of hard work, determination, and fate in life. This formidable and fabulous book is written by Elle Kennedy. She is the bestselling author in the New York Times and is the most wanted author both nationally and internationally. He has written many famous novels and series. In this book, the author tells us how to be successful in life. The book guides us for achieving our high aims and goals in life. Here the author makes us understand the importance of hard work and determination by giving the example of a college student Sabrina who has a planned future and does future-oriented studies. She never allows anyone to be a hurdle on her way to success and she wanted to make her own identity and was afraid of her horrible past which was shameful for her. The author says that sometimes God doesn’t bless you with something to make you realize that you are made for something better so, don’t be afraid of your fate and accept what it plans for you. Summarizing, the book is full of inspiration, motivation, optimism, and lessons for the readers who have high aims and want to achieve something extraordinary in life.