Books by Deepak Chopra


Nonviolent Communication

Nonviolent Communication is interpersonal relations, personal transformation, counseling and psychology book which shares the benefits of nonviolent communication. Marshall B. Rosenberg and Deepak Chopra are the authors of this magnificent book. Violent means that acting in ways that brings nothing but harm to your personality. Violent communication means that you are bullying, judging, pointing fingers, blaming, criticizing, discriminating, finger-pointing, blaming, speaking without listening, discrimination, racism, reacting when angry, name-calling, criticizing and saying wrong words to others. This kind of communication brings nothing good into your life. Nonviolent Communication is totally opposite to violent communication.


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is the psychology, success and self-help guide which describe the different techniques to achieve success in your life. Deepak Chopra is the author of this fantastic book. This is the ultimate guide for success and finally, your dreams come true. It is based on the natural laws of nature which contradict with myths of the world. There is no need for breaking your body with hard work, driving ambition and deadly plans to combat with your dreams. The author shares the seven rules which spiritual help you to achieve goals if you follow them strictly. First, the law of pure potentiality which demands focus from the reader to accomplish the goal. Make the habit of giving happiness to others and become a person who creates opportunities for others. Do not deceive others and don’t become thugs otherwise you get the same. Work in the environment which suits you the most and increase the flow of work. Thinking is also the key to success and gives you the best intentions to your goal. Get rid of insecurities and fears to live a stress-free life. In the end, find the purpose of your life, why you create and what special ability you hold which others don’t.


The Book of Secrets

The Book of Secrets is the self-discovery, self-help and psychology book which shares the different techniques to unfold a person inside our self. Deepak Chopra is the author of this fantastic book. He is a bestselling author who is known for his nonfiction books. His previous guide turn the millions lives towards and this book will help readers to find the secrets of life. Every human in the world is a book of a secret. There are three sides to every personality in the world. One side is visible to the world, second which we know about our self and last which nobody knows about our-self including us. If we find this side of our personality then we easily solve the mysteries in life. It helps us to find a perfect soul mate to spend our entire world. What kind of career suited you in which you can perform in full potential? Find out the different strategies to become the best parent for your kids. We spend our entire lives to find a secret about our self so we can change our lives. The reader will also find the secrets of faith, healing, and compassion we have. This is an incredible book to change your life so don’t miss your chance to find what you really are?


The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire is the meditation, psychology and spiritual guide which describe the importance of coincidence in our lives. Deepak Chopra is the author of this fantastic book. He is a New York Times bestselling author. His books are incredible which transformed the lives of people from nothing to everything. Deepak’s writing is based on research and facts which gives hope to the people. This time, he decides to touch the most important topic of psychology which played a remarkable role in the development of our life. Coincidence makes us believe that everything which is happening around us and everything which exists has a special connection with us. This terminology gives us precious clues to understand the current situation. It helps people to prepare for the upcoming challenges in life. Every person in the world can recognize these powers which let us perform beyond the limits. Deepak Chopra shares the different strategies to restore the powers hidden inside. Learn the secret though exercises and key principles which are mentioned in the book. Life is never meant to be easy if you spend it without knowing its science. This book will help you to understand the magic of coincidence.



Metahuman is the creativity, psychology, personal transformation and self-help book which shares the secrets to become a successful person in all fields of life. Deepak Chopra is the author of this impressive book. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Deepak takes the reader step by step to unlock the powers of mind and open yourself towards unlimited possibilities. How can you become a superhuman with mind? This is not science fiction anymore as you just need to believe in yourself. Delete your worries and past mistakes that don’t let you embrace the present moment. Your future does not depend on the past but it depends on your present. The more fulfilling is your present moment then you are more likely to become successful. What makes the ordinary people the great scientists, writers, artists, athletes, and businessmen? What is the special thing about all these successful people who are making out easily? All these people are the master of mindfulness and they use the best of their brain in a time when they needed it the most. How anxiety, depression, and stress can be leverage for your success? Why eliminating all the negative thoughts are necessary to become successful in your life. A magnificent book to make you a meta-human or superhuman.


The Shadow Effect

The Shadow Effect is the spiritual, psychology and self-help guide which shares the different processed to transform yourself from nothing. Deepak Chopra is the author of this fantastic book. Life is never meant to be easy if we become the victim of self-centered, self-pity and also self-obsessed. Everything becomes simple if we learn to create balance in our life. Most people who are not happy with their life are living under the shadow of fear, stress, and anxiety. Happiness is directly linked with our emotional state of mind and eventually, we failed to find peace in life. Peace if the first thing towards happiness and also the success of life. First of all, make peace with yourself and then with the people around you. If we talk nicely with others then automatically the peace with coming to you. Take care of yourself and your body which motivates you always to be good with the people around you. There is no need to worry about the people who did badly to you. Find the courage to move forward and leave all the things behind. Live and connect with those people who are important for you and those who bring happiness in your faces. This is a must-have book for all the people who wanted to eliminate worries from their life.


You Are The Universe

“You Are The Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters” is fantastic writing in which the author tells us that you should know your own importance and never underestimate yourself. This book is written by Deepak Chopra. He is known as the bestselling New York Times author of public help book. In this book, he guides us to be successful in the journey of life in an impressive manner. The book tells us that all the things around you are made for you and you are not made for them. They are your ways to success and prosperity. You just have to use the blessings in a positive manner and create your own identity. Do not think that you are inferior to others and you don’t have any skill. The creator has given all of us something extraordinary and no one else can meet our standard. The book provides you with a complete guide on how you could be the best in what you want to do in your life. Your dreams can be polished by you and you are the only one who can make yourself proud of you and you can be an example for others.


Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul

Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul is the healing, spiritual and self-help book which tells the reader how to develop a connection between body and soul. Deepak Chopra is the author of this fabulous book. He is the author of over fifty books who inspired millions of reader with his profound teaching in the world. His books give awareness to the people to identify their self and soul. This guide contains the ten mesmerizing lessons which help the readers to remove the root causes of soul diseases like ageing and infirmity etc. It’s quite a difficult job to perform but anyone who follows the instruction can easily develop a real connection. This special connection demands to reinvent your body and transform it in a way you like. According to the author, there are two ingredients in our cell which are known as energy and awareness. The transformation process of the body needs the soul which is seemingly invisible. The soul is the creature which is aloof and invisible to the human eye but it’s the most important part of the human. If you are able to create a connection between soul and body then you will be a spiritual person. This connection will bring awareness, intelligence, creativity and improve the healing process within yourself.


Super Genes

The” Super Genes: Unlock the Astonishing Power of Your DNA for Optimum Health and Well-Being” ss a great book about health and fitness. Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi are the authors of this book. Everyone who cares about their health needs to read this book to fully understand how much control each person actually has over their own health and well being down to the level of their DNA and microbiome. Everything we think, say, do, eat etc. affects us at the level of our genes DNA. Except for about 5% of genes which are fully penetrant, each person can affect the functioning of their genes through diet and lifestyle. The book provides an easy no-brainer approach to making 52 easy permanent changes with positive effects on health during a year. Each person chooses what they need to change and then commit to one simple, easy thing they can do each week. Each of us really is in control of our health. It’s an easy read back up with lots of Science to support its content. The book also enables the readers to Learn how to shape the gene activity is at the heart of this exciting and eagerly anticipated book from the best-selling duo behind Super Brain, which became a nationwide hit on public television.