Books by Darcy Coates


The House Next Door

“The House Next Door: A Ghost Story” is a great book for those who enjoy haunted houses and a good ghost story. Darcy Coates is the author of this novel. The book is narrated by a Jo, a young woman who has lived next to the haunted Marwick Mansion for several years. She knows people don’t stay there for long. She watched a family with children flee in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind, including toys and clothes. They never even came back for them. Then one day, eight months later, she sees a woman, a few years younger than herself, moving in. Alone. Jo has never been inside the Marwick House, but she wants to know if the new occupant has any idea what she’s gotten herself into. So Jo takes some muffins and goes to meet her new neighbour, Anna. Anna says she moved because there was something wrong with her old house. And Jo thinks to herself, “There’s something wrong with this house, too.” The real heart of this book is Jo and Anna and to some extent Lukas, Jo’s cousin. Jo’s thought processes totally change, and it’s interesting to hear Jo speaking in her voice that we’ve gotten used to, but although it’s the same in some regards, it’s also totally altered. She’s speaking in Jo’s distinctive style, but also expressing thoughts totally alien to the way Jo thinks.  It’s still definitely worth a read.


The Carrow Haunt

For readers who love haunted house fiction and scary novels Perfect for fans of V.C Andrews and Bill Thompson Remy is a tour guide for the notoriously haunted Carrow House. The old place is a haunt for the superstitious, but Remy hasn’t seen any proof of the paranormal yet. So when she’s asked to host guests for a week-long stay in order to research Carrow’s phenomena, she hopes to finally experience some of the sightings that made the house famous. At first, it’s everything they hoped for. Then a storm moves in, cutting off their contact with the outside world, and things quickly take a sinister turn. Doors open on their own. Séances go disastrously wrong. Their spirit medium wanders through the house at night, seemingly in a trance. But it isn’t until one of the guests dies under strange circumstances that Remy is forced to consider the possibility that the ghost of the house’s original owner―a twisted serial killer―still walks the halls.


The Haunting of Rookward House

When Guy finds the deed to a house in his mother’s attic, it seems like an incredible stroke of luck. Sure, it hasn’t been inhabited in years and vines strangle the age-stained walls, but Guy’s convinced he can clean the building up and sell it. He’d be crazy to turn down free money. Right? Rookward House may be hours away from its nearest neighbor, but he can’t escape the feeling that he’s being watched. Still, he doesn’t believe in ghost stories and decides to camp in the crumbling old mansion while he does repairs. Surely nothing too bad can happen in the space of a week.


Ghost Camera

When Jenine finds an abandoned camera in a lighthouse, she takes a photo for fun. But there’s something very, very wrong with the picture: it contains ghosts.


The Haunting of Gillespie House

Elle is thrilled to spend a month minding the beautiful Gillespie property. More than an hour’s drive from town and surrounded by forests, the aging mansion is ideal for someone seeking solitude. Elle discovers a crumbling graveyard nestled in the woods. It contains a generation of the house’s residents, all with an identical year of death.


The Folcroft Ghosts

Tara and her brother Kyle are sent to stay with their estranged grandparents. May and Peter Folcroft seem warm and loving at first, and the house, hidden in the base of the mountains, is idyllic.


Dead Lake

Sam is excited to spend a week at her uncle’s remote lake cabin. It’s a chance for her to focus on her art without distractions: no neighbors, no phone, and a small radio as her only contact with the outside world.


Craven Manor

A ghastly reimagining of classic haunted house stories, Craven Manor is: Perfect for fans of Paul Tremblay and Amy Cross For lovers of horror and ghost stories Daniel is desperate for a fresh start. So when a mysterious figure slides a note under his door offering the position of groundskeeper at an ancient estate, he leaps at the chance, even though it seems too good to be true. Alarm bells start ringing when he arrives at Craven Manor. The abandoned mansion is straight out of those old gothic mysteries: the front door hangs open, and leaves and cobwebs coat the marble foyer. It’s clear no one has lived here in a long time… but he has nowhere else to go. Against his better judgment, he moves into the groundskeeper’s cottage tucked away behind the old family crypt. But when a candle flickers to life in the abandoned tower window, Daniel realizes he isn’t alone after all. Something awful happened here long ago, and it’s a paranormal mystery Daniel is afraid to solve. Because Craven Manor is hiding a terrible secret…


The Haunting of Blackwood House

As the daughter of spiritualists, Mara’s childhood was filled with séances and scam mediums. Now she’s ready to start over with her fiancé, Neil, far away from the superstitions she’s learned to loathe…but her past isn’t willing to let her go so easily. When Mara and Neil purchased the derelict property, they were warned that ever since the murder of its original owner, things have changed. Strange shadows stalk the halls. Doors creak open by themselves. Voices whisper in the night. And watchful eyes follow her every move. But Mara’s convinced she can’t possibly be in danger. She doesn’t believe in ghost stories, and she didn’t buy a haunted house―it’s just not possible.