Books by Brandon Sanderson



Starsight is the fantasy, suspense, mystery, literature, fiction and teen novel that tells the story of a girl who discovered the devastating secrets of her late father. Brandon Sanderson is the guy behind this tremendous novel. He is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Brandon is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Spensa is the main character of the story. Spensa is a nineteen-year-old young girl with dreams to achieve. She is the daughter of a pilot and Spensa also dream to become a pilot like her father. Spensa wanted to prove that she is a hero who can fight the deadly fights for her people. Her father was a generous man throughout his career but then he turns against his own people. They were fighting against Krell and Spensa’s father was supposed to kill their enemies. Instead of killing Krell’s army he deserted the plane and turn against his own people. Nobody expected this from him but he killed his own people by leading the Krell people. Spensa thinks there must be another part of the story and for this, she has to come on another side of the planet. She wanted to know what happened to her father. When Spensa digs the reality, she found out the bitter realities and all she knows about her planet was just a lie.



Skyward is the humour, literature, fantasy, fiction and thriller novel which tells the story of the teenage girl, her name is Spensa and she has the dream to become the pilot. Brandon Sanderson is the author of this classy novel. The world future is in danger as the aliens invade the different cities of the earth. There are more than twenty years, humans are fighting for their living and aliens are still motivated to capture the earth by demolishing humans. Pilots are the one who is the heroes and the saviour of the planet and the lives here. Spensa is a young girl and she has the dream to become a pilot since her childhood. Her father is also the pilot but unfortunately, he did not end well. He was abruptly deserted by his own team and killed years ago by his own friends. The members of the team find out he is no more loyal to the humans and he is the security threat. All of them decided to execute him and they killed him. This is a story which she listens rapidly while growing up. She does not know they are telling truth or a lie but she does not believe. Now, the Spensa is ready to become a pilot but due to her background authorities rejects her besides her bravery and sharpness. She has to become a pilot in all possible ways and there is one through which he can be successful.



The “Edgedancer: From the Stormlight Archive” is a fiction, thriller, and suspense novel about a young girl. Edgedancer is written by the author Brandon Sanderson. Brandon grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. He lives in Utah with his wife and children. He teaches creative writing at Brigham Young University. He has written numerous other bestselling fiction novel and all of them are amazing and has a meaningful story. In this novel, Brandon describes a young girl, List, who is in intermediate-age due to her belief that she has stopped growing older. She claims to eat pancakes but with the motivate of learning more about Darkness, she nemesis from her appearance in Words of Radiance. Furthermore, Sanderson uses her for some cool worldbuilding. She shows up in a quasi-significant role in Oathbringer. She visited the Nightwatcher and uses food, not Stormlight, to fuel her Surgebinding. This story has many surprising twists and turns, and characters with secrets and depths that provide for some very satisfying revelations. This novel is full of well-developed characters, filled with surprises and well-maintained suspense to keep you going. It is an extraordinary piece of work, a perfect balancing act with terror on one side, and love on the other. All in all, Edgedancer is a great fiction and thriller novel.



The “Mitosis: A Reckoners Story” is a young adult fiction, thriller and suspense novel. Brandon Sanderson is the author of this fiction novel. Brandon Sanderson is the author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers Steelheart and Firefight, the first two books in the Reckoners series, and some other internationally best-selling books. His books have published in more than twenty-five languages and also have solid millions of copies worldwide. Calamity is the third book in the Reckoners series. Mitosis takes place in the period between the events of Steelheart, a moment in time to give a flavor of the changes that are happening in Newcago. The villains that the Reckoners are fighting as they protect the city and keep it clear of the super-powered villains that occasionally try to plant their flag. The author developed the characters in the most interesting way that will engage the readers from first to end of the page. The author’s unique style and beautiful writing style are very evident throughout the reading. This story has many surprising twists and turns, and characters with secrets and depths that provide for some very satisfying revelations. To sum it up, Mitosis is a great fiction, thriller and young adult novel for all the readers.



“Legion” is excitedly awaited continuation to The Way of Kings exceeds expectations. This rising ambitious series is a must-read for all those who want thriller and mystery stories. The author behind this action-packed and stirring novel is Brandon Sanderson, who is the author of Number 01 New York Times bestselling series: Calamity, Firefight and Steel heart. The Legion of Sanderson has been published in more than 30 countries, in 35 languages worldwide and millions of its copies have been sold. Brandon lives in Utah. In this novel, a troubled mastermind hallucinates manifestations of his capabilities. These people are imperceptible to everybody else, but they recommend and help out in the hero’s work as a consulting police officer, here detection of a camera that can actually acquire pictures of the past. Wherever he goes, he is attached by a team of fantasy experts to give suggestion, understanding, and clarification. He utilizes them to resolve issues. When a corporation hires his services to get back the stolen property, the camera may purportedly take pictures of the past. In pictures, Stephen sees himself in a venture crossing seas and combating with terrorists. What he finds out may upset the foundation of three main world beliefs. And, maybe, provide him a very important hint into the factual nature of his aspects. Both the case and the character are amusing ideas and a stimulating change from Sanderson’s standard high fantasy. We highly recommend this book to every reader due to its winding mysteries, entertaining banter, great approaching into the realism of madness, and just a lot of fun.


The Well of Ascension

“The Well of Ascension (Mistborn, Book 2)” is an absolutely amazing book, mainly because it focuses on a topic. Brandon Sanderson is the author of this book. It is another great book by Sanderson. “The Well of Ascension” the second book of the “Mistborn” series begins about a year after the end of the first book. Since the god-like Lord Ruler was defeated and killed by VIN, Sazed and Marsh, the various regions of the Final Empire have fallen into chaos with either anarchy or tyranny being the new norm. VIN and the crew of the late Kelsier are now lead by the Central Dominance’s (where the one-time capital, Luthadel, of the now-defunct Final Empire, lays) new king, Elend Venture. The Lord Ruler in his life never released more than a small amount of the Atium (which gives Mistborn an edge in combat making them nearly invincible) he had in possession, so everyone believes it MUST be somewhere, and this much-rumored cache is believed to be in Luthadel. The desire of other monarchs in the disintegrated Final Empire to gain control of the Atium is at the heart of the plot of the second book. These other monarchs march large armies to the former capital city to lay siege to it. As VIN and the crew struggle to protect the city, and Elend attempts to learn how to be a true and effective ruler, the whole world seems to be taking a turn for the worse. The mists are killing people again, which they haven’t done since before the Lord Ruler first ascended to godhood, and the Steel Inquisitors have seemingly gone off the deep end. Vin and Sazed remember the Lord Ruler’s last words, that by killing him, they have doomed themselves. They begin to wonder if he was telling the truth. With the rest of the crew, led by Elend, they try to find a way to make things right again. But an evil force is manipulating them, and their attempt to make things right may just end up leading to the end of the world. Overall, this is a story with a complex plot and great world building.


The Hero of Ages

“The Hero of Ages: A Mistborn Novel” is a perfect book and series to any fan looking for easy and entertaining reads that really capture the reader’s attention and imagination. Brandon Sanderson is the author of this book. It is a must read for any lover of fantasy and fiction. A perfect conclusion to the Mistborn trilogy that answers questions using story elements present from the beginning of the series. “The Hero of Ages”, book three of The Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. What appeared to be salvation within the Well of Ascension for the people of The Final Empire may have actually been their doom. Tables turn quickly as perspective changes for VIN and Elend Venture as they walk their mile in the Lord Ruler’s shoes. Ruin, the evil being the Lord Ruler fought to contain now has free reign and he seeks to destroy everything and VIN and Elend must attempt to seek the clues left behind by the Lord Ruler in hopes of placing Ruin back in his prison and saving the Final Empire. Brandon Sanderson continues his solid streak with this strong conclusion to the Mistborn Trilogy. Well drawn characters, good action sequences and a solid plot carry the story. If in your mind it boils down to chance and timing alone you could be left feeling a bit empty about the whole thing. Without giving anything away the story is true to itself. Everything fits together neatly, and certainly would be less of a story if changed in any way.



The “Elantris” is a very creative and highly original story, likeable characters and reasonable doses of action. Brandon Sanderson is the author of this book. Elantris was once the city of the gods. The people that lived there possessed great magical powers and beautiful silver skin. The Elantrians healed people and fed them, and the world was good. But no longer. Ten years ago everything changed, and the power that turned people into gods now curses them instead. Those unfortunate souls that are tainted by the Shaod find that their bodies decay and do not heal, but they are unable to die. They live a life of pain and suffering, separated from their loved ones. Elantris is no longer magnificent but instead a broken city, a tomb for the living dead. The plot of Elantris is intricate and complicated, told through the intertwining stories of three different characters. Raoden, beloved prince of Arelon, is afflicted with the Shaod and banished to Elantris. Sarene is the princess of Teod and travels to Arelon to marry Raoden, unaware of his plight until she arrives. Hrathen is a Derethi gyorn, a high priest of the Fjordell religion, and arrives in Arelon with the intention of converting its people before his god destroys them entirely. Though their motives and circumstances are different, the actions of these three characters change their world incredibly and irrevocably. More than anything, Elantris is a story about questioning one’s beliefs and challenging the status quo. Raoden, like every other citizen of Arelon, believed that the Shaod was a curse and that exile into Elantris was worse than a death sentence. Fans of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire and Orson Scott Card’s Ender Quintet will be very pleased with Elantris, and will find themselves intellectually stimulated and entertained.



The “Warbreaker” is a great choice if you want a fun story with love and war. Brandon Sanderson is the author of this book. If you want a meaningful story with deep characters that are as flawed as they are heroic, you will enjoy Warbreaker. It is another excellent book from Brandon Sanderson. It is a truly unique and compelling read. With excellent pacing and outstanding character development, this book will keep you interested and wanting more. Far from being predictable or formulaic, this story has many surprising twists and turns, and characters with secrets and depths that provide for some very satisfying revelations. Warbreaker is like most of other Sanderson works. Its strong point is its powerful plot and character-driven narration. It’s full of well-developed characters, filled with surprises, minor or major, and well-maintained suspense to keep you going. Sanderson understood human nature well and can keep his characters very human in their actions. He even researches homicidal tendency just to hint at who’s a criminal in disguise. The world building is awesome. The magic system is creative.