Books by Alice Hoffman


The World That We Knew

“The World That We Knew: A Novel” is an amazing and wonderful book n which the author tells us the story of a mother who has to sacrifice for the life of her daughter and she wanted to save her from Nazi Governance. This formidable book is written by Alice Hoffman. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written dozens of famous novels like Practical Magic, The Red Garden and The Rules of Magic, etc. In this book, the author says that there comes a time in life when you have to sacrifice for those whom you love the most in life just like Hanni Kohn has to send her beloved daughter away from her to a safe place to protect her and to save her life although she always wants to keep her with her. The book states that fate can take turn anytime in your life and it doesn’t matter whether you are prepared for it or not you have to do what is demanded and needed. Concluding, the book is full of interest and lessons for fiction loving readers.



“Faithful: A Novel” is an amazing story about a young girl who was living a happy and blessed life but then suddenly a turn came in her life which caused her to lose some of her beloved relations which were unacceptable to her but she couldn’t do anything as it was a revolution of fate and we all are helpless against such happenings. This fascinating and loving book is written by Alice Hoffman, He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written more than 40 famous novels like The Red Garden, Practical Magic and The Rules of Magic, etc. In this book, the author wanted to make us understand that everything happens in life for a specific purpose and it gives a long-lasting lesson for your future. The author helps us to understand this by giving the example of a fictional character who was like all of us unaware of what is going to happen in her life and she realized it when she saw that career and future of one of her friends was ruined in an accident and it was surprising and shocking for her to face it. But this incident changed her life as a whole and she became bold, confident, and challenges facing the girl. Concluding, the book is full of inspiration, optimism, emotions, and interest for the readers who love to read fiction and thrill.


Practical Magic

“Practical Magic” is an interesting and suspense-filled book in which the author says that life is a constant struggle against hardships but it has its own charm as well. The book describes the struggling life of the Owens sisters. This suspense and fiction filled book is written by Alice Hoffman. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written many famous novels like The Marriage of Opposites, The Museum of Extraordinary Things and The Rules of Magic, etc. This book is also a fiction filled description of the life of the Owens sisters who were constantly made to feel guilty that they are responsible for all the evil things happenings in the town. The book gives us the lesson that life and survival need love and sincerity and no one of us has the courage to love someone who is not fair to us. So, the book gives an eye-opening and romantic love story and tells us that love is not always meant to be between the couples but every relationship has its own demands and standards of love and respect. Trust and respect are crucial to love or being loved. Concluding, the book is emotional, suspense-filled, fiction filled, interesting and lesson giving for the readers who love to read fiction and fantasy.


The Dovekeepers

“The Dovekeepers: A Novel” is a fiction and suspense-filled and thrilling description of the attack of Jews on Rome and the strikes that remain continued for months. The book is an excellent description of how do wars and fights destroy countries and even can destroy the universe. This formidable book is written by Alice Hoffman. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written a lot of fiction and fantasy-filled novels of great fame like Practical Magic, The Rules of Magic, etc. In this book, the author tells us the stories of the lives of two women and five children who survived the attack. The book is an excellent description of the fact that wars and attacks are not that dangerous and hilarious rather their after-effects are very heartbreaking and those who survive through those attacks are killed by the after-effects of War. Those few people who survived when Jews came on the roads against the armies of Rome have spent a paralyzed and fearful life onward. In summary, the book is full of horror, suspense, knowledge, and interest for the readers who love to read fiction and thrill.


The Marriage of Opposites

“The Marriage of Opposites” is an interesting and controversial storybook in which the author tells us the story of a couple who belong to different religions and there was no match between them as the women were the mother of three kids and the man was unmarried but she wants to marry someone to run the business not to have a happy life. This fabulous book is written by Alice Hoffman. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written many famous novels like The Rules of Magic and Practical Magic etc. In this book, the author says that if you are fitted in a relationship without respect and trust then you can be omitted from there anytime and the same thing happened with Jackel and he was helpless. The author says that there is a replacement of everything in life like her wife replaced her with her nephew when he came back from France and started running the business and took hold n everything. Summarizing, the book is full of lessons, information, criticism, and suspense for the readers who love to read fiction and fantasy.


The Museum of Extraordinary Things

“The Museum of Extraordinary Things: A Novel” is an artistic novel in which the author tells us how to do a young girl compares herself and the other girls as things placed in a museum. The book tells us how she gets interested in knowing the history of each end everything placed in that Museum. This fascinating book is written by Alice Hoffman. He is one of the topmost bestselling fiction authors and had written many famous books like Practical Magic, The Rules of Magic and The World That We Knew, etc. In this book, the author tells us that art and graphics had always been the most fascinating part of this world and one similar thing happened in the life of Coralie Sadie when she went to a museum of her own father and she saw a photograph of women there and she was looking so attractive that she got interested in knowing the history. The book states that she started comparing everything there with the people and things in her own life. Concluding, the book is full of inspiration, hope, optimism, and interest for the readers who love to read about art and graphics.


The Red Garden

“The Red Garden: A Novel” is a wonderful and thrilling novel in which the author discusses the life of survivors of war and makes us realize that nothing is actually as such as it seems to be so to find out the truth you can look at the center of the life of others. This formidable book is written by Alice Hoffman. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written many famous books filled with fiction and Jewish histories and Literature like Practical Magic, Here on earth and The Third Angel, etc. In this book, the author compares human life with a garden and states that besides all the hardships and difficulties of life we all have a garden which is the center of attraction and interest for all of us. Book states that deep inside everyone there is a good man and you just have to found out that good person. Red garden means garden filled with beautiful flowers and it is a metaphoric description of a human heart which is just like a garden and you can plant anything there but the condition is that plant it with love and cares about it. Concluding, the book is full of interest, motivation, and hope for the readers who want to enjoy life in its true means.


Everything My Mother Taught Me

“Everything My Mother Taught Me (Inheritance Collection)” is an interesting and emotional book in which the author tells us the story of a young woman who was in search of herself and she accepted that during her journey of discovering herself she met her voice first. This fabulous book is written by Alice Hoffman. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written many interesting novels of great fame like The Rules of Magic, The Red Garden, and The World That We Knew, etc. In this book, the author says that fate can be modulated as you want and mostly the things happen in the same way as you think about them and you expect them to happen. The book states that love and sincerity can cause anything to happen and even Revelations happen among those who love each other and if the desire is sincere and strong then you can achieve anything in life. The author says that life without love is impossible and you can’t be happy if you have no one to love and care for you. In summary, the book is full of information, hope, and lessons for the readers who love to read the facts. You may also like to download The Rosie Result by Graeme Simsion


The Rules of Magic

The Rules of Magic is the mystery, magic, fantasy, history, thriller and literature novel which narrates the story of an Owens family. Alice Hoffman is the author of this magnificent book. Love is a curse for the Owens family which begin in 1620. When a beautiful woman, Maria Owen consider as a suspect to fall in love with a wrong man. Now after centuries later an Owen family is living in the New York City. The whole world is changing and people are getting modern. Susanna Owens also lives in New York City with her three kids. All of her children are special and they are dangerously unique. Franny is a difficult girl who is also the favourite girl of her mother. She has pale skin colour just like milk and red heirs like blood. Jet is a beautiful and shy girl, who has the ability to read the mind and the thoughts of people. Vincent is the youngest kid who finds it difficult to walk but when he walks then this family face trouble. From the very first day, Susanna sets the rule for kids and they have to describe them. These siblings will never walk in the moonlight, no black clothes, no red shoes, no crows, no books, no candles, no cats and most importantly not to fell in love. But what happened, when these siblings move to their Aunt Isabelle’s house?